Welcome! This is the official website of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition (LANCC). We are a large coalition of Neighborhood Councils and welcome everyone to this open process. Don't be left out! Join the LA NC Coalition! Send a delegate from your Neighborhood Council to represent you in this important process in Los Angeles.
About Us
Neighborhood Councils in Los Angeles came about with the revision of the City Charter in 1999. Article IX, Section 901(c) of that Charter states that the Neighborhood Councils should come together as a Congress of Neighborhoods. Why a "Congress of Neighborhoods"? What did the members of the Revision Commission mean when they used that term? According to the members of the Revision Commission, it was envisioned that Neighborhood Councils would come together to communicate with one another and to discuss and decide major issues affecting the citizens of Los Angeles. The formation of the Congress was to be left up to the Neighborhood Councils themselves.Now, that time has come! The Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition is intended to enhance the ability of NCs, as well as their clout and influence, giving a larger voice on issues affecting more than one neighborhood. The Coalition is not intended to usurp or interfere with the role of an individual Neighborhood Council in their own neighborhood.
The WG4CC typically meets on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom. The next meeting is scheduled for September 23, 2024.
Recent Meeting Agendas:
August 25, 2024
The Working Group email address is: LANCCwg4cc@gmail.com
On June 3, 2023, LANCC approved the release of a revised final version of a proposed Declaration of Neighborhood Council Rights.
Next LANCC Meeting:
+1 669 444 9171 US
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 205 0468 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
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833 548 0282 US Toll-free
877 853 5257 US Toll-free
888 475 4499 US Toll-free
833 548 0276 US Toll-free
Free parking: Enter from Hope Street, advise parking attendant that you are attending the Neighborhood Council meeting.
Bicycle racks are in front of the lower entrance.
1. Welcome and roll call of Neighborhood Council Elected Representatives.
2. Discussion and possible action to approve minutes. http://www.lancc.org/lancc-meetings.php
3. Update Reports from LANCC’s WG4CC committee - Mihran Kalaydjian lanccWG4CC@gmail.com
Declaration Of Rights
4. Council Files:
a. LANCC opposes CF 24-0867 as contrary to the spirit of the Neighborhood Council system and a violation of our autonomy.
b. LANCC recommends that every NC Board member and stakeholder who opposes CF 24-0867 file a personal statement against it in the Council File system because there is no statistical proof that long-term board members form a significant voting block on Neighborhood Councils, and because there are better ways (such as locally created non-voting Youth Representatives) which avoid the barriers of mandated training and two- or four-year terms for a seat.
c. LANCC recommends that BONC and/or DONE suspend training enforcement effective immediately.
d. LANCC urges the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment to implement a Customer Service input form on its website, with all input going to the General Manager with a copy to BONC.
5. Discussion and possible action on CF 24-0602 Synthetic Grass / Artificial Turf / Polyflouroalkyl Substances (PFAS) / Forever Chemicals / Health and Environmental Risks / Drought-Friendly Landscaping https://cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkconnect/index.cfm?fa=ccfi.viewrecord&cfnumber=24-0602
6. Update from DONE.
7. Updates 2025 Neighborhood Council Elections (administered by City Clerk and DONE responsible for citywide Outreach)
a. Update on the City Clerk's NC Election Work Group meeting held on August 27, 2024, specifically focused on Vote-By-Mail topics.
8. Update from BONC Len Shaffer or Doug Epperhart 5 minutes
9. Update from Budget Advocates https://www.budgetadvocates.org/ – Co-Chairs Glenn Bailey/ Jay Handal. LABudgetAdvocates@gmail.com
10. Congress of Neighborhoods- Saturday, September 28, 2024 – REGISTRATION IS OPEN.
Next Planning Committee meeting September 7th, 1:30 pm via Zoom Website: https://www.neighborhoodcongress.la/
11. Update from any other NC regional alliance 5 minutes
12. Announcements 5 minutes
13. Adjournment-Meeting ends at 1:00PM
At 1:30 p.m., the Congress Planning Committee monthly meeting begins. Link to website for further details: https://www.neighborhoodcongress.la/)
8:30 am DWP MOU Oversight Committee (even months) or DWP Advocacy Committee (odd months)
The meeting link on NC-DWP meetings web page (meeting details and links will always be here) is:
The meeting will adjourn by 10 to allow participants time to join the LANCC meeting at 10:00 am via Zoom.
Please submit comments by email:
for NC-DWP MOU meetings, to tonyw.civic@gmail.com
for DWP Advocacy meetings, to jackh@targetmediapartners.com
LANCC is in the process of revising its Bylaws. At the May 4, 2013 LANCC meeting, it was agreed that a revised version (Draft D dated May 2, 2013) would be forwarded to NCs for their approval. After your NC acts, please forward your meeting agenda and vote to: LANCC@EmpowerLA.org
The current LANCC Charter dated February 2008 may be downloaded here.
(Updated 5/30/13)
Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils
There are presently 99 Neighborhood Councils in Los Angeles. Click here to view the list of all NCs, then click on the individual NC name to view its EmpowerLA webpage including the list of Board members.
with the right and the responsibility
for holding periodic joint meetings
of all Neighborhood Councils.